a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

so here we go again...

Yeah, it's official. I'm a blogging nutcase.

I just can't seem to commit when it comes to a server... but I think blogspot is it. If it's not it, then I think I'll probably retire from my searching and call it a bust.

Here are some highlights from today:
  • Jon asking me what a "duvet" is, as well as what a "sham" is. I love his vulnerability when it comes to things he "doesn't know because he's a guy".
  • Hearing from Christi how well her times with God have been this semester after she started reading through the New Testament and journalling her questions and insights (heck yeah!).
  • Having Angela come to Bible study (I mean... "cell group"--I really do still have difficulty with that terminology.)... AND she ate my snack! Yeeeehaw!
  • Sending "top-secret" packages to my sweet sistas.
  • Checking things offa my list! I just love doing that!
  • Getting a message-board post from Mark--it made my day to hear that my post made his day! :)

I think (in general) that I might be made for grad school (someday, not TODAY). I really miss being a student, especially over the last couple of days... I want to have a ministry to my peers, and that seems to require me having peers. Definitely would be easier if I were a university lifer.


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