a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Sunday, March 26, 2006

come one, come all!

Right now (as in, 30 seconds ago), I have officially opened this blog to the public by making its wherabouts known on my xanga. Welcome!

Today I watched the movie version of Godspell. I have, until this point, intentionally avoided it. I would love feedback from others who've either seen the play or the movie before I add my two-cent's worth. (Did that last bit sound like my grandma talking?) I need to go warsh my laundry, okie-doke?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my, aren't we snazzy...

kashi?? BLECH!!! no offense. well, maybe just a little... if it gets you to stop eating kashi. the box is SO creepy!

what do you think of blue like jazz?

March 26, 2006 11:47 PM


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