a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

this time, i mean it!

If you are a faithful reader of this blog, you will recall when (last fall) I started running with my roommate, Mindy. Life was supposed to be different, I was going to be a runner.

Well, guess what? I'm not. I currently still stink at it, and it's all because we let our desire to run be trampled by a herd of nasty laziness. Those buggers are pretty good at trampling things.

I've been thinking for nearly this whole time how crappy it is that I'm not a runner. I really want to be a runner, but the part I stink at is simply... the running part. Anyhow, Mindy and I are giving it another go, but using some weekly plans I found online, which have us start from ground zero: walking. So far, the end of day 1, we are totally on-track, and feeling great. :) Tomorrow we go for round 2, then a day off, then some more Friday. Sunday we start the REAL DEAL and beginning the running/walking intervals (week 1 is just endurance walking).

Now, of course, if I'm going to be serious about this, and I plan on that, I decided I need to make more than just a mental/verbal commitment to do it. Especially since I'm moving home to Michigan soon, I feel a need to invest in this by putting my money where my mouth is, and that means I'm signing up for a 5K race. In the next couple of days I'm going to pick my race, pay my money, and start to really own this. I will be a runner.


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