a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Friday, September 22, 2006

a quick rundown

Here's my last week in speed-mode:

  1. Baked a zillion coffee cakes.
  2. Went to Chicago spent the night and drove back in 12 hours. AND SAW ANNA!
  3. Met some new people at church.
  4. Had a great discussion at AG.
  5. Called students to do surveys. (x a lot!!!)
  6. Watched the season primeir of America's Next Top Model.
  7. Cut more squares for my quilt.
  8. Got some through-a-long-chain-of-people football tickets for the homecoming game.
  9. Did the most varied-pace aerobics of my life.
  10. Talked to Pepper!!!
  11. Drank some coffee.
  12. Tore it up studying I John.
I don't know what else I did this week worthy of note. My life is often a little boring. Still, I did spontaneously go visit Stenvig, and for that I'm proud. I'm not as boring as some may assume....

***Disclaimer: if the tooth fairy and Santa still come to your house, read on at your own risk.***

The drawing is not one of my own, sadly. It's a self-portrait of Rebecca Sharp from Florida. She's 10, and when I searched Google images for "talked to Pepper," hers was one of the images that made the first page. Her cat is named Pepper. That's a little different than a sister, but interesting, nonetheless. Also, I noticed she believes in Jesus, the tooth fairy, Santa and the Easter Bunny. Something tells me that this little girl needs to know that these four are not really all on level playing field. I mean, for one, the tooth fairy works every night, not just once a year, and of course, Jesus is the one who is actually real.


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