a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Sunday, August 13, 2006

oh michigan, my michigan

Still in Michigan, and life is a little less exciting here than it seems to be elsewhere. I worked on cleaning my room yesterday (yes, that statement is just as full of disdain as it would've been when I was eight years old). WHOOOEEE!

I also ran into an old friend from high school (I didn't find her in the midst of my messy room, though)... it was a little weird, but not creepy. It really feels like high school happened 100 years ago or in another lifetime or something. I can recall some things, but overall, it's a little blurry.

I noticed while talking to Grace yesterday that I also forget some details about myself from time to time. For example, I played basketball on a travelling team when I was a kid. Somehow, I completely forgot about that until yesterday afternoon. Odd.


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