a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Monday, August 07, 2006

God bless the u.s.a.


Yes, that's right, I'm back from Germany, and what a wonderful/ crazy 7 weeks it's been! You can check out my other blogspot to read a little about the experience, but go ahead and drop me a line or call if you want some real details. :)

Being back means a few things:
  1. I can now get free refills at restaurants AND get ice in my drinks!
  2. English will always work.
  3. No more Strassenbahn fun. :( (And now I can't even spell it right....)
  4. Time for support-raising!
#4 is probably the one of critical importance right now since school begins soon and my report date is even sooner. I'm now at 85%, though, since I don't have to raise money for insurance through CCC for this year. Surprisingly, I have had my parents' policy all of this time, and should have just opted out of it last year! That saves me a few hundred dollars' worth of monthly support, so HURRAH! :) I now only have a few hundred dollars of monthly support to go.

Pray a lot. I really want to be done by Aug. 16.

P.S.-- This pic is from the street in Freiburg. In memory of all those that died during the Holocaust during WWII, bronze cobblestones have been placed all over Europe in front of the houses where the people had lived. This is just a bit of one site's stones... there was a whole family here that died--two grandparents, two parents, and three children.


Blogger Dan said...

Yay, you're back!

August 10, 2006 1:53 PM


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