a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Monday, May 29, 2006

sometimes my life is like a dream...

I was reflecting a little tonight on how my life has gone up until this point. If my eight-year-old self could see me, would she be proud? Would she be excited for all of the things that she'd experience from her ninth birthday on?

Of course, I haven't really stuck to my own plans as a child, adolescent, or even young adult, but I think I'd be pretty stoked for what I've gotten to do and see in the most recent 15 years of life. Just thinking about what I'm prepping for now has blown my eight-year-old mind. A whole summer in Germany?!?!? I am SO COOL when I grow up! ;)

As I'm sure most people would attest regarding their own lives, there are in mine the unavoidable faults and failures that lurk in dark corners ready to jump out and frighten away the hope of a child that her future would be full of adventure and beautiful mystery. Still, though, I can only imagine showing myself a real yukata from Japan or photos of myself on the Eiffel Tower, or telling the stories of exciting (and forbidden?) late-night adventures in the wild U.P. (I think my young self would be excited just to know I'd even been to the U.P.!).


There are often times when I wonder if I've been mistaken in my own direction. Was it a mistake to discard my 10-year plan? Today, I don't feel that way, though. I think it's been wonderful so far... and there are always runaway ramps if I lose control! ;)

Question of the day: If your eight-year-old self met you now, what would he or she be impressed by the most?


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