a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

i never knew cream of wheat could be so yummy!

That's right, folks... today I learned of the deliciousness of cream of wheat! Emily and I went over to Adriana's (our friend from the international Bible study) apartment tonight for a yummy Romanian dinner with her and her daughter, Nina. It was really really good! :)

I am very bad at remembering what the main meal is called (something like "mamaliga"?), but it was a cornmeal-based paste which you added feta, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, etc. to, and then mixed them all together. I enjoyed it a lot. For dessert, we had the cream of wheat with strawberries--a combo I definitely never would've imagined on my own, but one that was surprisingly good. I plan to try to make both again sometime. Mmmmm!

The dinner was a great time of hanging out, too. Nina is coming to Purdue in the fall, so I hope to see her again (a lot?). It was really fun getting to meet her since I've heard so much about her, and we got to see her fancy commencement and prom dresses in a sort of fashion show. :) She's a talker (for sure!), but it was just great. Adriana is simply a wonderful friend, too. I didn't want to leave! She's a very kind hostess, and just a very sweet and caring woman. I'm going to miss her a lot over the summer.

That said, I'm getting more and more excited about Germany, but also sadder and sadder about leaving Lafayette, despite my lack of friends here to hang out with on a normal basis. I'm really going to miss my staff buddies (today we quilted, and that was a blast!), my students, and folks like Adriana who I never would've met in Cow-town. Michigan is one of my favorite places, for sure, but there are definitely things about Indiana that I'll miss this summer!

On another note...
Today I thought I sent my cell phone to Africa. Thankfully, I did not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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May 21, 2006 4:39 AM

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May 21, 2006 4:52 AM


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