a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Friday, April 21, 2006

eyeore lost his tail...

According to a recent survey (and a survey from over a year ago), I have a melancholy personality. This is very telling. I think Eyeore was also a melancholy, and sometimes I feel like him.

This Wednesday, I did something practially unprecedented for me. I lost my digital camera without knowing it. I think it's gone forever (and although it's just a thing, I feel like a loser for having left it somewhere and not remembered to fetch it back up before leaving...). :( The saddest part of this whole thing is that I lost the pictures I'd been taking this week that were of particular value to me. Ah, those memories! I showed my melancholiness Thursday when I realized what I'd done, and Char said, "Eyeore, you lost your tail!" That is particularly why I was melancholy-feeling. I'd lost my tail.

Tonight after Cru, a few of us went to the park and played on some SERIOUS playground equipment. All people need to experience this one. The highlights included: identifying Orion & the Big Dipper, swinging HIGH, seeing Amy fitting into a toy for 2-5 year olds, and finding Emily's and my name in the sidewalk! SUPER!!!


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