a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Saturday, April 15, 2006

wild honey

That's the song I'm listening to right now--a Beach Boys classic. That band brings back such great memories from childhood! Theirs was the first cassette tape I ever bought on my own, and Krystal and I had quite a collection by the time CDs came onto the scene.... There's nothing better than the first tape (I still have it). I was in 4th grade then, and would take my (uber-cool) walkman to my sisters' t-ball games and listen to the Beach Boys over and over (and over...).

I remember the star hitter, John K., always wanted to listen to "California Girls" when he was on the bench waiting for his turn to bat. Sometimes I'd let him listen to a song, but which one he heard just depended where I was in the 10 or 11-song cycle. Ah. The Beach Boys were part of a much simpler time in my life!

Tonight, I was checking out the latest stuff on www.homestarrunner.com (which I really haven't been to in months), and my roommate commented that she'd never even heard of the site. I'm shooting these questions out there, please answer them if you have any insight whatsoever:

Is Homestar something that was only popular for the nerds at MTU, or are other parts of the world impacted as profoundly?

Is my roomie simply the exception, or is it better for me to assume students/people recently graduated have not experienced Trogdor and his burnination?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, you should stop hiding and let me find you, or at least give me a hint as to where you are, Second, Homestar is pretty cross-cultural I think, both nerds up at MTU and computer illiterate NMU people know of the site and visit it frequently, I have seen this with my own eyes. I will proudly admit, however, that I personally have never gone to the site because I think it is boring and a waste of my time, and I applaud your roommate for being so oblivious to this scourge on society.

April 16, 2006 2:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I also wanted to say that "wild honey" is an excellent song, one that I have on my beach boys summer dreams album, from the UK, it's not on the american version. I wish that a beach boys tape would have been my first cassette as a kid, unfortunately though I think it was either Steve Green or New Kids on the Block, kind of scary.

April 16, 2006 2:35 PM

Blogger Dan said...

Definately cross-cultural, as it was my friends back home who introduced it to me. Plus the numerous non-techies that know about it.

April 17, 2006 12:56 PM


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