a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Monday, April 10, 2006

great lakes, great times

Michigan may just be my favorite state (anybody with me on "Yes! Michigan!"?)... but probably because I have so much fun when I go there to visit people. It's just chock-full of my buddies!

This weekend was no different--hung out a lot with Stephanie, saw Jean (very pregnant, and now equipped to keep her baby a healthy hue), got some SWEET new bowls (which will be employed in rice-eating...yum!), met a new friend ("belac"--a kindergartener named Caleb), and enjoyed some banter with Greg (still improving his Bad Boy image). Sigh! What a pleasant way to spend a weekend. Not a hoosier in sight (but I do enjoy Indiana, too....)! ;)

On my way home today I had a few entertaining experiences:

  • A very smooth guy was at the drive-through at Fazoli's. Greg and I had to laugh (well, it was mostly me laughing) about it. I could definitely imagine him trying to put the moves on some poor girl using his drive-through voice. Funny, but a little pathetic? I will not be hit-on by the fast-food drive-through guy. I refuse!

  • Needed some gas in a bad way, but none was to be had.

    Drove 12 more miles...still nothing.

    I began to think I was in the U.P.

    Finally, an exit (Michigan City) with a McDonald's.

    I go for it.

    Many miles later...still no McD's, and there's no way I can make it back to the expressway on what tiny dribble of gas which must be left in my tank.


    What's that in the distance?


    Where there is McDonald's there surely MUST be a gas station!




    I find gas about 19 miles after I thought my car was going to sputter out and die on

    Amazing how God can work with loaves and fishes!

  • Talked to Brian Hassler (very briefly). This was weird, but pleasant. Still, the phone battery died, so it was short-lived.

  • Missed Robert's call from Africa because of my lack-of-phone-chargedness. Why do I always miss the Polka-roo?

I also had a delicious ice cream cone. This did not make (or break) my experience, but it was pretty good. Still, the DQ guy here in Lafayette has skillz that could take any McDonald's ice cream cone maker.


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