a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Thursday, March 30, 2006

and when I least expect it... God shows up!

I've discovered over my lifetime (however long or short it may seem to some) that God does things I don't expect. When I look back after He does them, though, I always wonder why I didn't see it coming. He's the completely-surprising-to-keep-you-on-your-toes-while-still-being-somewhat-rational kind of God. Well, He's mostly that kind of God. I'm not going to try to put Him in a box. ;)

Anyway, today He did some very cool things that I now can see make very good sense, but were things I was a little flustered about initially. One of them regards housing for next year (here in Lafayette... I'm re-interning if they'll have me), and is not completely set up yet, but involves living with Pauline! I'm uber-excited, and we have a couple of potential places to check out... it's a little scary to have to be grown-ups, but also exhilarating.

ON ANOTHER NOTE: I'm going to Freiburg this summer (oh yeah!), and just got (almost for-sure) confirmation that Mel is going to meet me there at the end of the project for some sweet Europe-hopping fun (just like last time, perhaps?)! I'm pretty psyched for that, too, since I really wanted to do a little travelling, but didn't want to do it ALL ALONE. Europe is so much better with a buddy!

God's been answering prayers all over the place! RAWHIDE!


Blogger Dan said...

So, I noticed that, at least here, you are going by Kate. Is that a Purdue thing? Sorry, but I don't think that I could ever call you Kate... I know you as Katie, and it fits you so well. Sorry I can't go with you to Frieburg, leave your address when you get it and maybe I'll try to write you, although I wouldn't count on it too much as I've still slacked on writing Sterk and Kristin. I'm glad to hear of all the answered prayers!!!

March 31, 2006 2:20 PM


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