a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Friday, April 14, 2006

it may not be the next Little Women, but...

I'm writing a book. For those to whom this comes as a surprise... are you sure you know me? I think writing is something that has always characterized me, so the thought of a book being a shock is, well, a little shocking to me.

Anyhow, I've tinkered with many-a-book-idea, but have always come back to children's novels about three little girls (I know that is uber-creative). I won't disclose details, since then you'd think you knew all about my growing-up years, but I'm enjoying the drafting process, and now I really wish I'd taken that creative writing course at Tech instead of (very awful) philosophy. Oh well, though. I can figure out what makes a good children's book... I have read hundreds of them, after all.

Any suggestions would be happily accepted, though. Tips, thoughts, ideas...?


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