a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Monday, May 08, 2006

re-learning how to count... i svenskt!

I'm doing some research for the novel and got to re-learn my long-lost Svenskt counting skills.

Here's 1-10:
Ett! Två! Tre! Fyra! Fem! Sex! Sju! Åtta! Nio! Tio!

Pronounciations are harder than I remember when I was a kid... and the online guides I was listening to just don't sound like Grandpa. Who to go with? I suppose it doesn't really matter how I pronounce them, though, since novels are read, not an oral dissertation. Sometimes, though, I wish everyone who reads my stuff reads it as I do. I would love to read it to them with the proper inflections and some beefy storytelling skills. I don't know if I could bear someone butchering the parts I love.

In the spirit of posting more pictures rather than less, I thought these six eggs from my mother country would be inspiring to a new generation of Swedes. Am I right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

six eggs or six chickens...hmm...which would I rather have? ;)

May 08, 2006 4:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well since my phone decided to stop working for who knows long, I'll just leave you another message on here. By the way, I am still thankful that Blue Laws still exist in Indiana...haha. It's 11:42 and my folks are already asleep, the joys of roadtripping with the family. Hopefully my phone works tomorrow, and I pray that you make it safely home tonight. I'll talk to you later, take care.

May 08, 2006 11:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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May 21, 2006 4:38 AM


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