a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Saturday, September 09, 2006

about today

My body is getting some serious training lately. Kim and I have been kickin' it up in aerobics at the co-rec, and today Mindy and I went running to explore our subdivision. I think I should grow to like running, but that'll most likely take a long time to do. As for today, though, my few minute bursts were a good start. I'm hoping I'll be able to continue to discipline myself in this area... I am basically a huge baby when it comes to running. I'd much rather do any other kind of exercise than actually run. Mindy's a good pusher, though, so if we continue to go together, this could be the beginning of a lovely workout routine. :)

This pic is from the first Bethlehem Road Race in 2003. I think these little kids probably enjoy it more than me at this point.


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