a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

a cowboy's work is never done

That was for all you Sonny & Cher fans.

I am one busy gal, which means I shouldn't be posting on the blog, but it's my only vegging out time tonight at the cafe, so one takes what she can get. Tomorrow is a big day in the history of my ministry, as well as Purdue's. We're attempting to expand beyond our campus borders and launch a new movement of college students to seek after Christ and share their faith on another nearby campus... Ivy Tech State College of Lafayette.

I'm the staff person who has the most experience with such a ministry since I was involved in a "staff-less" movement (also called "catalytic" in CCC terms) as a student at Michigan Tech, so I have been planning since April for tomorrow--THE BIG DAY.

We will be gauging the student interest on campus tomorrow by passing out "freshman survival kits," doing some interest surveys, and trying to hold a small meeting of interested students during the day. Tomorrow night, we'll call EVERY contact we got during the day inviting them to our (Purdue's) big "callout" (first kick-off meeting). From there, the goal is to find key leaders from Ivy Tech to lead a Bible study on campus, be trained by our staff & students, and lead a movement at Ivy Tech! :)

Please pray for tomorrow:
  • That students would be excited about getting involved in a campus ministry at Ivy Tech.
  • That the logistics run smoothly... this has been a long time in planning, but there are always last-minute surprises!
  • That God would raise up kep leaders at Ivy Tech--people of peace who will be effective in our attempt to reach this new campus with the gospel.
  • That I will survive the day! I have been running on an empty tank lately, and it'll take the Lord alone to keep me upbeat (and awake) all day while I'm meeting new students and telling them about our ministry.
FYI: If you've tried to call, email, or reach me in any other such way lately, I'm not ignoring you. I promise. It'll be a few more days before I'll breathe, sleep, and get back with you. Thank you for your patience during this uber-busy time of year!


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