a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Monday, August 21, 2006

boiler up!

Yes, you can assume as the heading suggests, that I am back in West Lafayette and at it again on Purdue's campus. I still don't have all of my support (so this is not a usual case...), but the beginning of the year is SO important, and I will be having some extra time here-and-there to work on MPD (says Maureen).

Some interesting changes have occurred that I wasn't expecting.
  1. I am no longer working in Meredith Hall.
  2. I am now working in Harrison Hall.
  3. I am no longer leading a cell group.
  4. I am now leading an action group.
  5. I have 10 girls to disciple.
  6. My housing situation is very different than I expected.
  7. Chipotle and Qdoba are coming to town.
  8. My hairdryer is still in Michigan.
  9. Still no bike. :(
  10. Also no internet at my place (yet). :( :( :(
  11. There are a lot of students who want to tear it up with ministry to internationals. :)
I could go on, but I won't. Kim and I are working on our prayer letters, so if you're waiting for the next one, it will be arriving shortly. Tonight I send it for printing, and it'll be in the mail by Friday or Saturday.

For those curious ones...
The pic is of me with my homegirl, Kristin, on the strassenbahn in Freiburg!


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