a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Thursday, September 07, 2006

i want to be your feet...

Today was one of those entirely exhausting days, but I feel like it was not purposeless exhaustion. Actually, important decisions were made, exercise was done, people were met, contacts were gathered, the Word was studied, and the Lord was glorified. It was an entirely good kind of exhaustion-producing day. :)

I enjoy that such a day is a possibility. I feel like I've done a good job and it actually means something.

* * *

Tomorrow is another day for raising support in my little world. I need to get out the letters I printed last week, and also buy a new ink cartridge (sadly). I am exceedingly thankful for four solid hours to work on printing letters, getting things done, and basically, doing the support-stuff I don't have time to do during the week. Once these get sent, I'll have people to call next week! Yay!

* * *

If you've ever seen me post-workout, you notice I'm very red. I don't know why I flush so easily (it's simply heat-induced, I think, since I get that way whenever I'm hot at all...), but I noticed today that my post-flush look is very pale, except for my cheeks. It's a little weird, but not creepily so.

* * *

For the record (and the all-important citation of others' work, because I definitely value that), this pic is called, "Feet of the Campesino" by Ken Light. Impressive, eh?


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