a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

almost un-boxed

This Labor Day weekend was spent with my parents (36 hours of fun)--moving the rest of my stuff from Kim's to my place, and working on unpacking the many boxes I had stored there. I have so many books! Not that I'm surprised by their sheer quantity, but my mother definitely was shocked to open box after box of them (right, Mom?).

I had a goal of getting things unpacked during the weekend, but that didn't happen, so I'm gradually putting things away day by day... I'm hoping that everything will finally have its own place by this weekend. There aren't really that many more boxes to put away... it's those silly little odds and ends that need homes at this point.

On campus, things seem to be going slow, but hopefully will be picking up after getting the dinnerline surveys (!) tonight and tomorrow! I've definitely been anxious to get my hands on some serious contacts, so this will be great! :)

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Also noteworthy is the fact that Fridays have kinda become my support-raising days. Last week I spent four hours getting some support stuff done (and I need to get those letters in the mail ASAP!). Hopefully the trend of accomplished and fervent working will continue and even increase. I really want to have solid support and be done with the letter-writing campaign, but moreso, I really want to be able to spend all afternoon on campus each Friday. Still, if I have to be off-campus for a bit, this is definitely the way I like it. It breaks up my week a little (some diversity in what I do), and doesn't take me away from working with students that much.

* * *

Just for fun, here's a pic from my trip with Melinda after the end of the project in Germany. I'm eating herring in Sverige! Min Svensk farfar skulle bli så stolt!


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