a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

some feminist queries

So I have some feminist thoughts running through my head sometimes... and tonight I decided to get some feedback by posting a few of the "feminist" ideas I found on other sites.

I think for most people who know me remotely well, this isn't a shock, but I suppose for the few who read this and aren't aware of my She-Ra mentality... surprise?!?

I definitely would like feedback on people's thoughts about feminist thought and an answer to the question, what does feminism in the 21st century look like? I'm curious to know what people think about that.

For the record, although I definitely have no qualms about men fixing and doing stuff for me, I feel entirely capable to change my own oil, unplug my own toilet, replace my own light fixture, or kill my own pests. My momma taught me well.


Blogger Evan said...

Well, I don't know if you want a man's opinion on this or not, but for the sake of *equality* I'll throw my 2 cents in.
I think feminism or women's rights is expanding in a good way in this new century. The most evident way, I feel, is in the control and distribution of information. Even as near as 10 years ago, it seemed as though the vast majority of "talking heads" on network and cable television were men. Now I see a much more balanced view in the news industry. There's Paula Zahn, Nancy Grace, Greta Van Susteren and now taking over the CBS nightly news in September Katie Couric. Not too long ago Zahn and Couric were known for their chipper personalities on morning news programs, now they have the opportunity to tackle hard news issues and be on major television networks in prime time. Grace and Van Susteren are known for choosing controversial "hot button" issues and attracting a very large audience in their efforts to make information more accessible to everyone.
This is progress in my opinion, and it will continue to move forward. I believe that the first female candidate on a major party's presidential ticket will occur in 2008 when Hillary Clinton runs. I would be overjoyed to see the republicans follow suit and give their nomination to Condoleezza Rice in the same race. Can you imagine that? Practically guaranteeing a woman president. It's not as unrealistic as it may sound, in fact many political analysts have speculated on this at length. For more information on this check out Dick Morris' book Condi vs. Hillary. Morris is a former democratic strategist and advisor to president Bill Clinton.
Progress is being made on all fronts of social rights issues, and there is still more advancement to be made. Living in two different areas of the country this past year has made this more evident to me. The North and South have established prejudices that have still yet to be retired, but again, I believe things are moving in the right direction.

October 03, 2006 4:57 PM


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