a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

beat it, your body, that is

Well, time has passed, and I still am adhering to the training program I set up for myself, and (as far as I can tell) I think I will be ready for my 5K before I head out to Colorado. I did all of my walk/run intervals on the first level, and today I increased my run time by 4 min total. After two more of these run sessions I'll increase again. :) I'm becoming a runner!

All I can say is that it's about time! I can already tell that the intervals are getting easier and easier. Even doubling the run time intervals today was not that bad... I was definitely more tired after the whole session, but I could've done more, and that feeling KICKS BUTT.

My mom and I have been going together: she's my timer, and that also holds her accountable to get in some serious walk-time every day like she needs to (oh, the heart trouble on that side of the family!!!). The real test, of course, will be when I'm not at home or with someone to train with, but I don't anticipate that time coming until the beginning of June (Jewels' wedding), and by then I hope I'll have my routine down enough to do it on my own.


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