a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

hooray for the underdog!

Saturday I went to the U of M football opener with Greg, and we saw a historicially significant trouncing. There was nothing that could be done, one team just completely out-played the other. The wolverines were sent home defeated.

And the new victors? The rag-tag bunch of hillbillies at a speck of a school in North Carolina--Appalachian State. Their school boasts only 1,600 students (about the size of the U of M football team if you're counting red-shirts), and they're definitely not division one....

When I got home from the outing, I was met at the door by my Spartan father, excited as anything that his rivals had been defeated so embarrassingly, and shocked that I had been witness to something so spectacular--the biggest first-game overturn in history, the tragic take-down of a Big Ten giant.


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