a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

the good old days?

I've heard stories about the old days from my Grandpa for the last 25 years (yes, even before I was born, he was telling stories...), and got to be part of the restoration of those old days this week. You see, Grandpa found an old photo from summer 1937, the summer he started dating my Grandma.

The photo was in pretty bad shape... there was a terrific tear down the middle (right through Grandpa's head), and about as many wrinkles and creases as Grandpa has now (at 89 years old...). As you can see, the photo is of my grandparents and two other friends, Katie McNeil and Danny Beaudrie (the couple on the left, my grandparents are on the right), down at Lake Erie enjoying a beautiful summer day.

My job? Fix that sucker up and get some copies printed so Gramps could give one to Katie (whose last name now is not McNeil...), and have enough to enjoy them properly himself. ;) Not really that easy of a task, but with a little computer magic, Voila! You see what we've got now. :)

This was more than a fun project, but it was definitely a pleasant one to work on. Actually, it was so fun, that I was thinking about how I could (possibly) make this kind of job into an actual job while I'm raising my support. I definitely could do a much cheaper job for people than other places, and I'd give them files so they can reproduce as many copies as they want with full legal ability to do so.... I guess we'll see.

Oh, Grandpa told me yesterday that they threw my poor Grandma into the lake that day... I'm hoping it was a lot cleaner 70 years ago than it is now!


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