a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Friday, January 11, 2008

MY religion ain't a religion

Last night I began reading a book by Helen Keller that I must've bought at a library book sale for a quarter... it's a pretty mangled copy. Anyhow, I'm only a little ways in, but am already pretty confused at Keller's "religion," which she seems to purport as Christianity. I will keep an open mind as I continue through the entire book, but so far what I've observed is not really that faith in the slightest.

Helen Keller has long been one of my most admired historical figures, but I have to say that at first exposure to her own story of faith, I'm more than a little dismayed and saddened. Of course, even if her understanding of spiritual things was entirely incorrect (as many historical figures' have been), her contributions to society are still tremendous. Even so, however, I personally find that no number of impressive acts or heralded influences can parallel a personal relationship with the living God.

I've heard many times that the Christian faith is not a religion, but rather, a relationship. Religion is about man's acts and attempts to connect with a god. Christianity, in contrast, is the story and understanding of God's pursuit of humanity.

When all other faiths require action on the part of man, Jesus pursued humanity, and made a way for each person to know Him in spite of failings, and without a single deserved effort on his or her behalf, save the crucifixion of Christ Himself.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

2008 Mega Book-reading Extravaganza!!!

I am not typically a resolution-maker, but I think that this year I think a commitment to self-development is appropriate and necessary. Therefore, I've decided to commit to catching up on the reading of many a book I've acquired only to let them collect dust in my room.

To hold myself accountable in that department, I'm going to post about them on here: please feel free to shoot some recommendations/thoughts/critiques/etc my way. I'd also definitely appreciate some of your personal insights on any book that I finish--I thrive on discussion!

To get the ball rolling, I read my first Sherlock Holmes detective story, A Study in Scarlet, over the past two days. All I can say, is that I was definitely mystified by his intellect and reason (as I certainly should've been), and that it made me chuckle more than a little at the very complex story behind the crimes committed (and, of course, it is only fitting that the secret societies and cults in the United States receive some attention...). Has anyone also read it? I'd enjoy hearing your thoughts.

Friday, January 04, 2008

it's spreading like a fever

Well, I'm back home from Christmas Conference, and a good time was had by all. :) It was really great to meet some of the students from UT, and I had oodles of fun getting to know the staff there.

Afterwards, my ex-roommate, Mindy, came down for a day to hang out in the city. That==SO GREAT! We had a blast.

Once I got home, though, the swamp monster attacked. What I mean is, I got sick. I doubt it's some awful deadly virus, but I do feel uncomfortable and such. Thankfully, I can stay inside most of the time and rest, but I'm doing the "Home Alone" thing, and have to maintain my parents' fortress until they return. That basically means taking care of animals 9 out of 10 times.

I don't know if I've ever posted my own pic on here, but this is the photo booth view of the tragic disease infesting me.