a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

knit a little, talk a little...

So, I know I never post on here. And I know that's semi-pathetic. Today, I decided to sport my "Rosie the Riveter" shirt (Seriously. It was a gift from my sister, Grace, and I'm wearing it right now.) and get to business regarding a lot of things, including (but not limited to) this blog.

And what to blog about? Well, I thought, there's always knitting. So knitting it is!

My grandma taught me how when I was 10 or 11, and I relearned and honed some skill as a freshman in college. Eight years later, I think I have some marginal expertise in mitten-making, and can do a little of this and that if I'm not making something hugely difficult (I don't challenge myself, but I typically like it that way).

Right now, I probably have about ten projects going on, but I tend to be a seasonal knitter, and winter is my season of choice.

Even so, I embarked on a hat project for my newest little friend, Nora, and so I am knitting once again. In the process, I ran across a group of ladies who knit at a local bookstore each week, and have joined in on their fun, despite the fact that any of them could be my mother (I am certainly an outlier in any sort of chart depicting our demographics...). ;)

Nora's hat is coming along nicely, with no *knitting* problems (a slight yarn crisis was had and then resolved), and it's knitting up very quickly. It's a remake of a '40s classic--the Stella Pixie Hat. I love the peak already, and can't wait for Nora to wear it!

Steven Smith (the bear) is not a baby, but he's the closest thing I've got to use as a model. More pics whenever an actual baby has the hat on. ;)