a blogger's nth attempt at sharing life and passions while still hiding behind her laptop

Monday, October 23, 2006

there were only two people at my action group tonight.

If you search google images for "There were only two people at my action group tonight," this is the only image that comes up. Weird, but have you ever played that kind of saerch engine game TRYING to get only one response? I, displaying true SP personality tendencies, have accidentally stumbled across perfection once again. ;)

Despite a lack of #s tonight, though, we saw God move today in my dorm, bringing a girl to trust Him with her life, surrendering it to Christ for the first time! Praise God for how He lovingly led Ashley to Himself today!

Monday, October 16, 2006


There is a not-so-nice, neighborhood woodpecker who has decided to peck away at our house lately. We currently have a couple of small holes on one corner. THIS IS WAR!

This weekend I went out and got some woodpecker-deterring stuff, but am waiting to find a ladder I can hang it all with.... Any suggestions on how to rid my house of our little buddy? I'm all ears...!

I'll keep you all posted as this war progresses. Hopefully the girls and I will put up a good defense and Woody will move away.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

we're going to the world series!!!


Yes, the Tigers are going back to kick some World Series butt--whose, we don't know quite yet. Go get 'em, Tigers!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

some feminist queries

So I have some feminist thoughts running through my head sometimes... and tonight I decided to get some feedback by posting a few of the "feminist" ideas I found on other sites.

I think for most people who know me remotely well, this isn't a shock, but I suppose for the few who read this and aren't aware of my She-Ra mentality... surprise?!?

I definitely would like feedback on people's thoughts about feminist thought and an answer to the question, what does feminism in the 21st century look like? I'm curious to know what people think about that.

For the record, although I definitely have no qualms about men fixing and doing stuff for me, I feel entirely capable to change my own oil, unplug my own toilet, replace my own light fixture, or kill my own pests. My momma taught me well.